
Cases of Screen Overlay Detected

According to my research on Internets. This message appears when you’re running a floating app, and then start a newly installed one, which requests access rights. Floating apps include the chat heads of Facebook Messenger that can appear floating above other apps.

Solution for  Screen Overlay Detected

1: method
as I told in my previous video to remove Clean master, Du Battery Saver, Screen Recorder etc, there is many other free apps which Create Screen overlay detected.
you need to remove them and restart your phone your screen overlay detected will be solved. if not I have other method to help you with this problem.

2: method
press and hold your power button when you see power off option on your screen then press and hold on power off option for 2 to 3 second if Safe mode option appear
clicnk on safemode option to restart your phone and when your phone start there should be safe mode sign the bottom left side your phone.
if the Safe mood option doesn't appear on the screen then. turn your phone compeletly off then turn it on again as soon as you see samsung logo on your phone screen.

press and hold "volum down key" keep hold till your mobile compeletly on and you don't see Safe mode option on your phone screen.

when your phone come on safe mode option your unable to use your applications, you can just change the options, Go to setting, application, application manager, find the app which was effected by “Screen Overlay detected” tap on that app, then tap on permissions, turn on the “storage” check all of your apps for storage and all application storage should be on. Then restart your phone problem solved.

1: Remove unwanted free apps, and restart your phone
Screen overlay detected solved, if not
2: go to safe mode option then from your phone setting go to your application manager find apps effected by “Screen overlay detected” go to permission and turn on the Storage that is it, it will work 100% I tested my self, if your it work for you please don’t forget to like and subsicibe to my channel

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